
Sunday, January 15, 2012

God and Heresy

When using the word heresy, and the actual definition, too many people have throughout time over used it.
 I think that it is a term used for the Monarchies of a thousand years ago to scare the masses into doing something or believing in something that they want to commoners to believe.
   Same with God and the belief in a Higher Being.
I find it interesting when reading about other cultures or going to a different land than my Mother Home of the USA, that many people say they are accepting or they are progressive people and yet, when it comes down to it, they really are not.
  I am posting my thoughts on this topic here in God and Science because to be honest with you, I think that throughout time, those people that have a more logical mind and more of a progressive way of thinking, a more scientific way of thinking, get a really bad rap for believing and even trying to prove that we humans come from monkeys.  Honestly, there are some days that my Christian contemporaries do and say the most horrible things to other people, that I want to stop believing just to spite all the rude mean God Believers in the world. 
  I really struggle with this because I feel that believing in God and having a fully in depth knowledge in Science can go together. When I was growing up, I would hear stories of people that, if they did not believe what the Pope believed, they would get burned for Heresy. I love history and reading about it, and I found this always strange. Why would a leader of a Religion be so threatened by Doctors studying Biology to the point that if they taught something in a University that they did not think the common people should know they would pressure that Professor to quit, fire them burn them, torture them. And millions of people all over the world have been killed for what they believe about God. They have been tortured for believing in God or not believing in God, depending on the time and the King of hte Land... I mean, don't you think it is insane?
  Why can't Scientists research, study and find facts, seek more knowledge without people throwing God in their face?
 Why can't people that believe in God leave those that do not believe in Him ... Alone?
 And Why can't people that do not believe in nice to those that do?
 Why can't God believers and disbelievers of a higher being just get along?

It is interesting that the Elements of the World, the things we do not make... That were here before humans were on the Earth and the things that humans did not make now, well, are not human made... We are studying those things and we are trying to learn about this planet and our Galaxy and Universe. Yet, God, in many ways... Religion... Are Man Made
  My Dear God Believing Readers. Please forgive me but please think  of this
Us Humans though out time have made idols, worshiped them like they were God. We build Temples, tell people that Pyramids were places of Worship when we don't know what they were for, we have hundreds of different churches, hundreds of different beliefs about God, we argue amongst ourselves about what God is and we care when a politician is going to Church or a Mosque, and we do not care if other politicians are not going to church, or apart of the Illuminati, we worship the wealthy and treat them like they are Royalty all over the world, some places, like in North Korea will have the people thinking that the former evil Ruler, Kim Jong Il was or is a God, and I find it ill conceived to think that intelligent people would fall for someone that evil to be God, which makes me sick.
 Where have we gone in this human race to go from normal good babies to evil fighting blood thirsty forcing everyone to believe in something that is either true or not, and we don't know...
 Who can people who do not believe in God take us people that do believe in God seriously when those that are crazy and radical are claiming that God is a picture on a piece of toast?
  Just sayin'

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