
Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I think people that believe in God have a tenancy to remove the fact that evolution is  a possible theory. 
 I say theory, which I know hurts the eyes of many people reading this, but in the whole scheme and eternal perspective of things, almost everything is a theory of where we come from.
Forgive me for saying theory. 
 I think that for many reasons, we have completely evolved as humans over the last thousands of years. 
 If we were to have a time machine and go back say, 2,000 years ago, would I be able to live? Would the worlds conditions allow me to live? 
 People talk about time travel in Quantum Physics and I do not know if I believe it or not, but I can say that what is not possible? what is possible? 
 I think it would be interesting to see if we found a portal and were able to go back in time. However, if we took a human being from the past, could that person live in our time? I mean, the air, the pollution, the water, would living harm that person? 
  What about plants? Animals? water? What about sea creatures? 
What if we were to go back 10,000 years from now? how different would it be? could we live then? 
  I think if we could, us, the now people would have a more difficult time. 
 I think that because of our modern day conveniences.
 Take for example refrigeration. Something so simple as being able to refrigerate milk. I think that it is something regular people do not think about but when I was little, I did. 
I did because when I was little my mom would get our milk from a farm. 
 I remember it was fresh and she would bring it home in huge jars, huge one gallon jars. 
we would set it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and wait for the cream to set on top. My mom would carefully take the cream off and put the milk back in the fridge as we would make either whipped cream or butter. 
 I know that refrigerating milk is important, because I remember my mom telling us how in the "olden days" people would die if the food went bad. A lot of people got sick from bad milk, and so refrigeration actually changed us in the USA in the 20th Century. 
  Now, speaking of which, we have evolved in other ways. Penicillin. 
 Being able to create vaccinations and medicines has gone a long way over the past 100 years. If I recall, in history we would talk about all manner of illnesses and diseases that we have cures for now that people did not have then. 
Now, the flip side. 
 Could people then live now? 

 I think it would be interesting to hear from scientists that would be willing to speculate, and see what they have to say. 

 I still think that although I do not believe we come from apes, our world is always evolving. We must evolve, or we would perish. Plants, animals, different grasses, our water, our oceans and seas always are ever changing and adapting to our conditions here on this planet. I think in the next 100 years we will see more change and more rapid changing will take place. 
  It will be interesting to see

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