
Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I think people that believe in God have a tenancy to remove the fact that evolution is  a possible theory. 
 I say theory, which I know hurts the eyes of many people reading this, but in the whole scheme and eternal perspective of things, almost everything is a theory of where we come from.
Forgive me for saying theory. 
 I think that for many reasons, we have completely evolved as humans over the last thousands of years. 
 If we were to have a time machine and go back say, 2,000 years ago, would I be able to live? Would the worlds conditions allow me to live? 
 People talk about time travel in Quantum Physics and I do not know if I believe it or not, but I can say that what is not possible? what is possible? 
 I think it would be interesting to see if we found a portal and were able to go back in time. However, if we took a human being from the past, could that person live in our time? I mean, the air, the pollution, the water, would living harm that person? 
  What about plants? Animals? water? What about sea creatures? 
What if we were to go back 10,000 years from now? how different would it be? could we live then? 
  I think if we could, us, the now people would have a more difficult time. 
 I think that because of our modern day conveniences.
 Take for example refrigeration. Something so simple as being able to refrigerate milk. I think that it is something regular people do not think about but when I was little, I did. 
I did because when I was little my mom would get our milk from a farm. 
 I remember it was fresh and she would bring it home in huge jars, huge one gallon jars. 
we would set it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and wait for the cream to set on top. My mom would carefully take the cream off and put the milk back in the fridge as we would make either whipped cream or butter. 
 I know that refrigerating milk is important, because I remember my mom telling us how in the "olden days" people would die if the food went bad. A lot of people got sick from bad milk, and so refrigeration actually changed us in the USA in the 20th Century. 
  Now, speaking of which, we have evolved in other ways. Penicillin. 
 Being able to create vaccinations and medicines has gone a long way over the past 100 years. If I recall, in history we would talk about all manner of illnesses and diseases that we have cures for now that people did not have then. 
Now, the flip side. 
 Could people then live now? 

 I think it would be interesting to hear from scientists that would be willing to speculate, and see what they have to say. 

 I still think that although I do not believe we come from apes, our world is always evolving. We must evolve, or we would perish. Plants, animals, different grasses, our water, our oceans and seas always are ever changing and adapting to our conditions here on this planet. I think in the next 100 years we will see more change and more rapid changing will take place. 
  It will be interesting to see

Monday, December 19, 2011

This Universe

Scientists have found, with what I have been reading, that immediately after the Big Bang, Helium and Hydrogen were developed. Well, At least from what I have been reading.
 I think it is interesting. If we did not have these two elements, we would not exist. We are 80% water, right? Our Planet is 80% water too.
  I think about our planet and how if we did not have the pressure we have, or we did not have the gravitational pull, we would explode. Well, think of it, if we did not have the right magnetism we have, we would not only explode, but our sun would too. Our whole solar system would explode.
 Don't you find that extraordinary? If we had a different Radio Activity from the sun, what would we be like?
Would we evolve differently than we have? Would we have different plants?
Could we have survived thus far if the sun were different?
I think of this and think of God at the same time.
Why can't we travel from this side of our Universe and go to the other side in just a few days, and find new planets with human life form and discuss with them their planet?
  What about different Universes? If there are different planets and Galaxies, can't we suppose there are different Universes, too?
I used to watch Star Trek when I was younger, and I really believed that Star Trek was real. I thought that Spock was from another Galaxy, that Captain Kirk was  the Captain of the Enterprise, and that all the creatures and things he found on other planets were logged and we were kind of watching a journal of his adventures. I also thought that we could never go down the Green River in a White Water Raft expedition in fear that we would find the same portal that The Marshall Family found in "Land of the Lost".. and I faithfully watched Johnny Whitaker in Sigmund and the Sea Monsters.
 So, You can imagine my fascination with Star Wars, watching it just confirmed that there is something out there.
Or is there?
 This is a great debate, and a wonderment at the same time.
 If there is then has any of those other Galaxies tried contacting us? Have they and we are not aware of it because of governments?
What if governments do not want us to know about other life forms being out in space?
Or what if there is nothing there?
Either way, one thing remains certain. We are not sure.
Maybe when we die, we will be shown the mysteries of the Universe. I believe that our souls are made of matter, and that when we die, we might be able to travel in such speed that we will not even imagine. because our souls are of a different matter than us, we would be able to do things that we can not with our physical bodies.
 Although there are many unanswered questions, one thing remains the same. That the distance of our planet with the sun, for example is no accident. That the heat in which it gives us and the way the earth tilts at different times of the year giving us different seasons, that is no accident. The pressure that we have pulling us down and how much air we breathe and what the air is made of, these things are no accident.
  I also believe that if there was a Big Bang, that was also no accident. The Big Bang, then was created, by our creator.
 Just as we have no way of knowing what is on the other side of the Universe, we know there is another side of the Universe, I know that there is a Creator of that Universe.

I believe if we are good and kind and always seek to be good and do the right thing, we will then pass this existence into the next and our questions will be answered, in a way that will put us in awe.
Hubble Image of Our Universe
For now, we just get to speculate, debate, look at Hubble Images, theorize,and look up at the stars with amazement

God and Holidays

I never ever push my beliefs on anyone. 
 I always welcome kind and friendly conversations. I like to know what other people are thinking. 
 I want to say that there are many people that do not believe in God. 
 I understand that they have their way of thinking and I think that it is OK to believe that. But, I feel that during the holiday season, If a school wants to put out pictures of a Menorah and a Nativity Scene, we should not have to be sensitive to the wishes of Atheists to do so. 
 As a matter of fact, I know tons of Atheists who LOVE Christmas. 
 Why can't Atheists just lighten up a bit and think... OK so these funny Christians are excited about a Pagan Holiday! 
I actually think it would be really showing a sign of growth and humility on their part, not to mention maybe I would give them some kind of support if they were to do that. 
 I think that Christmas time should be, for Atheists a time that they would be able to capitalize the most if they played their cards right. As a matter of fact, most people go into debt over Christmas. 
 I have a friend whom I love dearly, but I can not believe the amount of money she will spend every year on Christmas. And I think it is really ridiculous! 
 Hey, I am totally Christian but I am against the commercialization of any Holiday! As a matter of fact, I think it is annoying that Stores start decorating for Christmas in October!!! I say, no decorations out before Thanksgiving (American Thanksgiving!) I think if there is one thing my Atheist friends and I do agree on is the fact that too many people buy too much garbage for Christmas. 

  I a sure there is an algorithm equation to Santa and Satan being one and the same, in mathematical formulas, 
But I would like to list the following which my dad presented to us as a family ... Not in front of the kids, they were sent out to play by order of my mom. 
  • Wears Red
  • Has Elves
  • Lives in Terribly Cold Conditions
  • Is the Face of Commercialized Christmas
  • Makes People Greedy
  • Makes kids think about Gift GETTING
  • Puts people in a bad mood when having to shop for Santa things
  • Materialistic
  • Flies using Magic
  • Breaks into peoples homes while they are sleeping

  • IS Red
  • Has Minons
  • Is cold, and has no soul
  • More than happy to make no one celebrate anything
  • The Face of Greed
  • the Face of Selfishness
  • Happily Skips around to people being miserable during the most wonderful time of the year
  • Is Materialistic of it's worst kind
  • Loves that people breaks into people's homes 

So, This Christmas or Holiday Season, whatever you worship, or not, I would like to talk about ways to avoid stress, or ways you will get out of the hum drum life. 

First of all, If you do not believe in God, I say, go with the flow. You do not have to listen to Christmas Carols that are all about Jesus being born. Frank Sinatra has a great Christmas CD with the Rat Pack  that is full of Winter-y Seasonal Holiday Songs and most are not too religious. I think you should try listening to up beat music, and learn to relax about Christmas. 
 Second of all, Never get into debt nor spend any money you do not have for ANY reason. Not just for Christmas. My friend whose name will not be mentioned, I swear it is the one thing that annoys me about her. She will and has spent thousands of dollars on Christmas and gets into huge debts over such a ridiculous holiday. 
Third Thing: 
Learn to get rid of stress. Learn yoga, exercise, take deep breathing, take a long hot bath, and find something enjoyable and good for you. 
Another Thing: Number 4 
Be nice to others and be nice to yourself
Number 5: Have an Anti- holiday party with your friends
Number 6: Do something kind for someone else
Number 7: Learn to let go of what you can not control
Number 8: Have fun. Do something that will bring a smile to your face. Have fun doing it. Make cookies, hot chocolate, make a cake, go to the movies, but do something and have fun doing it. 
Number Nine: Be Happy

I have seen time and time again where people that will do certain things to change their ordinary life and just little things, have made a big difference in not only their life but in others around them. 
 I think it is easy to feel negative and grumpy during the winter time. It is cold, it is boring to have to stay in side all the time, our lives are full of negative energy, and we get caught up in a same routine. Change it a little, learn to smile and learn to be happy. 
this life is too short to wait for others to change and you will see that you will make a difference in other peoples life and your own. 

I don't think you have to believe in a God to find joy in life. 
  Just try getting rid of the Winter Seasonal Grumpiness. 


Saturday, December 17, 2011

On Death and Tragedy

I have a friend, again, she is also a friend on Facebook. 
This friend of mine is really remarkable. She is not an ordinary person. But, who is?
 This person, to protect her name and privacy, I will call her Sasha, was born in Bulgaria. In the 1980's Bulgaria, being invaded by Communists, made all the Turks leave Bulgaria. This was not the first mass removal. There had been mass removal before, as my Mother in Law survived 25-ish years before that.
 Anyway, Sasha's mother sent her to live in America with an American , an L.D.S. Family named the Berry's. Now, Sasha married an attorney, who got a job working for the U.S. Dept. Of State.
 Sasha excitedly announced she was pregnant with their third child, a few months ago. She would write her preparations, and had a completely normal pregnancy. 
 She went to London in November, with her kids, her husband and met her family there. Two weeks ago her baby was born. A perfect little girl that was healthy, precious, beautiful, pudgy, and they named her Asmara. 
Asmara in Eritrean means "Unite". Asmara did that. She united her family from America, From Bulgaria and from Turkey, her family and friends from Asia came and loved ones in Africa sent her big flowers and united them too. This little tiny human made a huge impact on many lives. 
    Sadly, and tragically and inexplicably, 5 days ago, little Asmara slipped away in the cold of the night, leaving this realm and being taken from her mother's arms back into God's arms. It was as though God allowed her family to have a time with them, long enough for her to have experienced a body, long enough to be held in her  Earthly Mother's arms and feel the warmth of her Earthly Father. She was able to in this life experience what it was like to have two older sisters, one 4 and one 2 and a half, what it was like to be a sister to two very sweet little girls. She got to bring her American Grandma, and Bulgarian Grandmas together, and for reasons not even the Doctors could explain was called home to the Great Father of the Universe. It was as though God was saying, "Behold, Before you, see something Greater than Yourselves, Love Greater than yourselves, Give of yourselves greater than what you have given, reach beyond your capacity to love and learn that Life is but a speck of sand in the time of Eternity, which has no beginning and no end"
  I have been thinking about this a lot. I have been thinking about this sorrowful news of my friend and thinking, all over the world babies are born and live but a few hours and mother's and father's heart are broken. One person wrote to her that clearly Asmara was too perfect living in this Earth longer than a minute. 
   There are no words to give to my friend that can bring her comfort for the loss of her little baby. I can not imagine how hard Postpartum Depression will be for my friend, and to see other children and wonder what Asmara would be like at that age if but Asmara would be alive.
  But, interestingly, I have had over the last three weeks, about 50 of my Facebook Friends whose family members and loved ones have died. Babies, uncles, brothers, aunts, sisters, grandparents; and this is all suddenly a couple have died unexpectantly, such as Asmara. 
One of my friend posted, "I feel the flu coming on" and three days later, his sister posted "Rest In Peace dear brother, you left us too soon..." and some other sorrowful words. So sad, in fact I thought of my own brothers and how I live so far away, how I would not even be able to say good bye... 
  Why is that so? 

Well, I have some thoughts on death and sadness in this world. 
  First of all, let's pretend for a minute that everyone agrees there is an After Life.  I know not everyone believes this, but, when believing in a God, believing in an After Life is not that far fetched. If you are Christian, Muslim or Jewish, then you already believe that there is an After Life. 
  Now, believing in this After Life, means that we are more than just a body and mind. That we have souls, and that means we have a purpose here in this life. 
 Now, once we believe in this After Life, we can accept that if we live our lives according to God's will, and are good and kind and loving, we will once again be re-united with our family and dear ones when we leave this life we are in right now. 
 Can we suppose that when we left our Pre-Earthly State, that maybe, upon getting our Earthly body, our loved ones miss us such as we miss them in our Earthly State when they die? 
 That is to say that maybe there is a Pre-Life a Pre-Exsistence to our souls that no time knows and that God created our Pre Exsistence, our Earthly Parents created us and that we return to our Heavenly Family, that is to say, our souls leave this Earthly state of being, and we are the same as before, just we have learned things here in this life that will help us in the After Life. 
  With this, Let's suppose for a minute that when we gain our body, we must leave our Heavenly Family, Friends, Life, to experience life here. 
 Why would we then have to experience sadness?
Well, Please let me not be emotional for a minute so please forgive me while I am more matter of fact than emotional

  In order for us to really experience life, for us to truly life, we must have feelings. We must learn things in this life to make us grow here. We need to learn compassion, free will, love, kindness, happiness, good bad, we need to choose what we will be and who we are and how we will live our lives. 
 We must learn by real human experiences in order to appreciate our realms which we are placed in. 
 Before we came to be Earthly Beings, we knew only love, happiness joy, kindness, much live Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden before coming to know Transgression. 
  This means that we were like little children.. Imagine how Buddha lived before he found that there was pain on this life... We were sheltered as such in our Pre-Life Being... 
 And so, coming to Earth, we had to live in opposition... Dark, light, wet, dry, good, bad, happiness, sadness... We have to learn all the feelings of humans, to learn compassion. 
Tragedy and sadness helps us to also know love and joy. 
 Have you noticed that when a dear friend of yours is going through a trial, if you have gone through that similar thing, you can strengthen and edify those around you? Have you felt when you are going through a hard time, knowing that someone cares and understands, has helped you and made it more bearable? 
  I do not wish to take away from my friends pain nor to I wish to say that what she has to bear is easy, however, people go through different pain, trials, different tragedies, because we are all different and we all have something here on this planet that is meaning and purpose that is significant to us as individuals. 
Now, People can argue that us who believe in the After Life will just give meaning to us being here. 
People can say that once we die, we are gone. 
 OK. Let's accept this way of thinking for a minute. 
Only for a minute though, because All humans since before the Egyptians built Pyramids, have always wondered this After Life concept. We have the innate desire to wonder if there is more. I mean, we all want to belong to something more. 
  Anyone who doesn't believe in God still want to find the greater purpose and find that there is compassion and goodness and meaning to life. 
  Death and Tragedy in one's life is imminent. But we can call upon the strength with in us, find good and meaning to life, find good in people and find how we all find purpose or we can wither and become stagnant and stale.  
 We can find great love and compassion while suffering or we can hide away and not life a full meaningful, loving healthy life. 
  Scientifically, those who find meaning to their life and help others and find goodness live longer, live a happier life and find that they actually in return are able to emotionally and physically endure life's hardships. 
  It is what we do with our life and hardships that is the key to what we will become. 
Today, let's find compassion and love, let's find meaning and purpose to our lives and let us start with our family. 
 Learn to love
Learn to hug
Learn to smile
Learn to live 


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

God and Sports?

I love sports. I love American Football, Basketball, Watching Baseball, I love watching Tennis, and swim meets, I just love watching sports. College and High School Sports are not exempt from the list of what I will watch, either. Give me a game, popcorn and a cola and I am in heaven.
 I have favorite teams, some teams are forever in my heart and others come and go, but all in all I love sports and watching them.
 I saw a picture of a Professional American Football Player, a Quarter Back for the Denver Broncos, named Tim Tebow. He has been sometimes called the "Mile High Messiah". I like the guy. He is Christian and not ashamed of it. He also prays and it not ashamed of that either. I also like that he annoys critics and sports analysts.
Why does he annoy analysts?
Tim Tebow is a man of real integrity, honesty and speaks his mind. He is always attributing his wins to God, always attributing his loses to being Thankful he played a game and yet remains positive about the outcome of the following game.  Should that bother anyone? Why does it bother anyone?
 Is God on the Football Field? Does it hurt anyone for Athletes to pray, speak of God or credit God for winning?
I have been thinking about this, a lot. If Tebow did not Thank God would the Broncos have beat the Jets? Would there be such an out cry of people if Tebow never said anything about his religious affiliation?  Tim Tebow told a Sports Writer that God should be credited to the Denver Broncos. Giving credit to God? Is that offensive? Should I be offended? Is God answering the prayers of Tebow?
 I recall a Holiday Bowl in 1980. Jim McMahon was QB, and I remember that last quarter of the game. That game is forever in the NCAA as the "Miracle Bowl". Let me give you a little back ground. B.Y.U. was losing, badly in the last half of the game. When the last few seconds of the entire game, Southern Methodist University (S.M.U.) made a touchdown. This brought the game to SMU45 and BYU 23. B.Y.U. fans (there were about 50,000 spectators that day, and another million people watching at home) started leaving the Stadium. Jim McMahon started screaming to the Fans to not leave, the game is not over yet. With only 4 seconds left of the game, Jim McMahon forever changed the outcome of that Holiday Bowl. in 4 seconds he lead BYU to victory of 46 to 45. I saw this on TV. I was 10 years old and watching how BYU won, t was amazing. 23 points in 4 seconds... Yes, indeed it was a Miracle. (Something you can not explain but God can). Does God have to do with winning? Does the amount of faith a player has have to do with winning a Holiday Bowl?
What about the losing team? Are they losing because of lack of faith?
 Does God allow others to win and others to lose based on their beliefs? Is it the power of prayer? If Steve Young, who is also a faithful Christian, and Tim Tebow who we all know is a faithful Christian, were to go head to head, would it be the Battle of Faith on the Field? Would is be the Battle of Brawn and Steel? Honestly, Who's to say?
 When a race car driver prays before racing, would we be openly aggressive? When the race car driver wins and he openly Thanks God for a safe race, what would be people's reaction? When a team from Europe wins the FIFA World Cup and an athlete Thanks God, what would be the reaction of those interviewing? Tebow is not the first athlete to believe in God, and credit God in their interviews.  Baseball Players have credited God for winning and even, have said "It wasn't God's Will for us to win tonight". Should we be up in arms when team members mention God? Should we demand they not pray in public?
  What about the prayers of the Athlete? Does God answer prayers to Athlete's who are desirous to win?
I tend to think that Athletes do not pray for winning.  Sometimes I think that they just pray to get through that game with peace. They probably pray to be the best they can be, they pray for the safety of the game and safety of the teams, they pray for no injuries, but I do not think of winning is a goal for prayer. Whatever they pray for, they believe in their hearts and mind that their prayers are what is the key to winning their game, and, I think they should be allowed to believe that Prayer has helped them. There are many High School Teams throughout Utah and other states that Athletes will pray. These are not school conducted, but rather, the coach will give 3 minutes of meditation before a game.  Is there harm in praying? Who does it hurt to pray before a Professional Game? Can the athletes that talk about prayer or credit God for their wins be offensive? How could that offend anyone? Is it wrong to pray before games? Why are people offended that people would pray? Why is it that us who believe in God, have to feel bad for offending people because of prayer? Who really does prayer offend?
See, I very strongly believe that we have begun to be so careful about not offending those that do not believe what we believe that we have started to become ashamed of what we believe outwardly, as a Nation. I am also sure that I will never criticize someone for believing that God helped them win games.
 I think that once we focus on others beliefs and how they pray and how often, we are losing sight of allowing that person to believe according to their conscience and I would even say we are not focusing on the fun of the game.
Maybe certain Athletes have God-given talent and maybe others need more prayers answered from On High. Or maybe it is both.
 Are we going to be that petty to care what an athlete believes?
I say... Let's just all get back to playing ball... and nicely, please.

P.S. I think I might pray that the NBA will just hug it out and play so I can see the Utah Jazz beat the Lakers

Tim Tebow Prays before each game. This is now by the fans affectionately called "Tebowing"
Angelo Taylor Praying right after winning the Gold Metal at the Olympics in Sydney Austrailia

Professional American Football Team Praying... Not Just Tebow

Professional Soccer Team Praying before playing

Monday, December 12, 2011

War and God::: What Does Science have to do with this?

I hear all the time "God is Everywhere" have any of you? 
 I also believe that Math and Science is everywhere too. 
 Well there is a debate on my friend's Facebook page about how ALL Wars are because of Religion. 
 I call that hokum and I do this because this would mean that everyone that goes to war is religious themselves. 
 Now I will agree there are many horrible things that happened all for the namesake of "God" but they were man's doings to other men. 
 Let's say, The Spanish Inquisition is one, for those of you who do not know that this is, I will give you one or two sentences of what happened. The King and Queen of Spain decided that they would allow thousands of people to be burned or tortured then killed. Now, Queen Isabella of Spain did not want to do this, but was pressured by the Catholic Pope, who at the time had much control over things Politically, and Religiously. They spread a rumor that the Jews were responsible for the cause of the Plague. 

 We also know that the Ottomans, upon conquering, forced people to submit to their Religious beliefs. 
 I will still say, Let's remove Religion from the Earth, and pretend that we don't know about a God, etc, etc,etc... 
  Would we still have war? You can count on it. 
You bet we would have war. Men would still have the want to be in power, men would still have the desire spread their clan or would still want to take land for resources. Men also have to fight among each other to show who is dominant. 
 I do not intend to sound like this in a mean way, Sorry men. 
 I am  merely describing how we are natural creatures and we naturally will try to go where there is more money, or resources, jobs, etc etc. war is a way of eliminating populations. I am not pro war. Please do not get me wrong. 
I am speaking of how us as humans will fight among each other is a way to eliminate ones population and gain control and power over that land. 
 I do not believe that many wars were caused by the want of spreading God's word, rather, after war the conquered had to and were forced to practice how the conquerors practiced their laws, religion, they took on Traditions, languages, etc.  
In fact, many people say that all wars are the cause of Religion. I will vehemently refute that hypothesis. 
I will because of this. 
 God, in all religions, or even the thought of a Higher Being, is the opposite of War and greed and hate, and doing things to people that are bad. 
If you speak to someone that is of Islamic upbringing, practicing or not, you will find that in his speaking of God, he will say that God is Merciful, All Muslims should be kind and Generous to others, and killing and hurting humans and animals are not acceptable. 
 Speaking to Christians, you will have an agreement of philosophic ideas about God. 
The Judaic Religions talk of Peace and Doing Good to others that are of different beliefs, 
 And Buddha spoke of how we should not harm any living creature.  
 I could go on and on with examples of how all Religions have this view point. 
  So... Where does this fit? I am saying... Take God out of the equation of War and you will still find greedy, mean, power hungry, blood thirsty people that will still want to go to war.
 I also believe that those that say that "Religion is the cause for war",  are atheists arguing one of the reasons to not believe in God. 

Now, there are many people that say they are religious and then use God in the name of war. This is very dangerous and I would even say very similar to occult type behavior. There is no way that anyone can justify causing great harm to people and doing things that are cruel and then putting God's name behind it like His name is some type of Logo. 
 There are many examples of this type behavior. To this I say it is nonsense that God would approve of cruelty. When terror is inflicted, as a defense, we will have to declare war on others in order to defend our homes, our country, our lands security.

What does this have to do with Science? 
Scientifically speaking, let's look at places that are constantly in heavy droughts for a minute. 
 The places you see in a globe with droughts that are in Third World Countries or under developed countries, have something else in common. War. 
  Africa is one very good example of this. Africa has wonderful resources, actually is rich in resources, very rich land, but the population poor, infested with war, drought, land that is barren caused by hundreds of years of  bad government. 
  Did Religion cause those wars?  What about religious people? That is silly. Of course not. Droughts, poverty, people fighting for more land, people who were and are greedy, caused the wars in Africa. 
Did God cause those wars? No, God has to give us Free Will in order to allow us to make choices we make as humans. (Free Will is a topic I will talk about another day)
 Where is Science in all of this? It is in the psyche of everyone causing war or trying to live in the country they are in without war. 
  Science is in everything... Famine, Rain, Sun, Food, Humans... 
It is up to us to seek the truth and it is what we do with the truth that makes us better people. 
 And hopefully war will not be imminent.

Friday, December 9, 2011

It all started with...

I am really bad with Mathematics. I  mean, I can do math, really. But, If I get a Math concept, please don't try to ask me HOW I got it right. 
 I just want you to applause for me when I get it right. 
I have been thinking about this for the longest time. Secretly, All my life I have wanted to know the mysteries of the Universe. I have always wanted to know such deep things for my questions. 
 I would when I was little look at the clouds and see shapes in them, but I would think... What are those clouds? Another one I used to think. mind you I was three... I thought that the world was in a dome, and that the dome protected us from the out-space elements, such as getting too hot or cold, or losing air. 
 I did not know about atoms or carbon atoms or anything... I was just a three year old laying in the grass looking up in the sky. I used to have dreams that Space Ships would come and take me to other planets and Galaxies far away from mine.
 When I was in Forth Grade, I was in a "Reflections" Contest. 
The Theme was, "Into the Future" and you were supposed to speculate what was the world going to be like in the year 2000. 
 I was about 9, and I thought... Wow... This is awesome. 
 I knew what I was going to draw. 
I had everything the same, but we were on little tiny phones that we could carry all over with us, I drew flying cars, and satellites that looked like stars in the sky at night. I did not call them satellites. I said they were information receivers. 
 When I brought my quite "amazing" picture with an explanation in the back, my fellow class mates laughed at me, calling my project stupid and I remember one of the judges told me that I should not have put too much thought into my project that I was supposed to have fun and be creative, not to be too philosophical. But, I thought I was having fun! I thought my ideas of the future were just my creative thoughts... Needless to say I got Honorable Mentions but did not place. I was so upset. 
 I later that year was asked to write a paper about what I wanted to be when I grew up. I thought about it. An Astronaut. Or Oceanographer. Because both are Frontiers  that us humans really wonder about. 
 I was told that I should think of something else to be, because I have to know math and I was so bad at it. This was a teacher. 
I wish I never listened to that teacher. 
 I still have a wonder for the stars and everything on this earth. 
 I also wonder about God and how science and God have so many theories, how we can apply scientific theories, but interesting... We can not apply the theory of God... Or can we? 
 That is what I want to blog about. I want to write about my thoughts on this. 
I will be posting crazy, funny, serious and all matter of things that I find in my search for finding how we can have God and Science come together, and how I think they do. 
  I hope you enjoy this different and maybe not so different ideas I have in my mind. 
 As the greatest Character from Star Trek would say, Live Long and Prosper.