
Monday, December 19, 2011

This Universe

Scientists have found, with what I have been reading, that immediately after the Big Bang, Helium and Hydrogen were developed. Well, At least from what I have been reading.
 I think it is interesting. If we did not have these two elements, we would not exist. We are 80% water, right? Our Planet is 80% water too.
  I think about our planet and how if we did not have the pressure we have, or we did not have the gravitational pull, we would explode. Well, think of it, if we did not have the right magnetism we have, we would not only explode, but our sun would too. Our whole solar system would explode.
 Don't you find that extraordinary? If we had a different Radio Activity from the sun, what would we be like?
Would we evolve differently than we have? Would we have different plants?
Could we have survived thus far if the sun were different?
I think of this and think of God at the same time.
Why can't we travel from this side of our Universe and go to the other side in just a few days, and find new planets with human life form and discuss with them their planet?
  What about different Universes? If there are different planets and Galaxies, can't we suppose there are different Universes, too?
I used to watch Star Trek when I was younger, and I really believed that Star Trek was real. I thought that Spock was from another Galaxy, that Captain Kirk was  the Captain of the Enterprise, and that all the creatures and things he found on other planets were logged and we were kind of watching a journal of his adventures. I also thought that we could never go down the Green River in a White Water Raft expedition in fear that we would find the same portal that The Marshall Family found in "Land of the Lost".. and I faithfully watched Johnny Whitaker in Sigmund and the Sea Monsters.
 So, You can imagine my fascination with Star Wars, watching it just confirmed that there is something out there.
Or is there?
 This is a great debate, and a wonderment at the same time.
 If there is then has any of those other Galaxies tried contacting us? Have they and we are not aware of it because of governments?
What if governments do not want us to know about other life forms being out in space?
Or what if there is nothing there?
Either way, one thing remains certain. We are not sure.
Maybe when we die, we will be shown the mysteries of the Universe. I believe that our souls are made of matter, and that when we die, we might be able to travel in such speed that we will not even imagine. because our souls are of a different matter than us, we would be able to do things that we can not with our physical bodies.
 Although there are many unanswered questions, one thing remains the same. That the distance of our planet with the sun, for example is no accident. That the heat in which it gives us and the way the earth tilts at different times of the year giving us different seasons, that is no accident. The pressure that we have pulling us down and how much air we breathe and what the air is made of, these things are no accident.
  I also believe that if there was a Big Bang, that was also no accident. The Big Bang, then was created, by our creator.
 Just as we have no way of knowing what is on the other side of the Universe, we know there is another side of the Universe, I know that there is a Creator of that Universe.

I believe if we are good and kind and always seek to be good and do the right thing, we will then pass this existence into the next and our questions will be answered, in a way that will put us in awe.
Hubble Image of Our Universe
For now, we just get to speculate, debate, look at Hubble Images, theorize,and look up at the stars with amazement

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