
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

God and Sports?

I love sports. I love American Football, Basketball, Watching Baseball, I love watching Tennis, and swim meets, I just love watching sports. College and High School Sports are not exempt from the list of what I will watch, either. Give me a game, popcorn and a cola and I am in heaven.
 I have favorite teams, some teams are forever in my heart and others come and go, but all in all I love sports and watching them.
 I saw a picture of a Professional American Football Player, a Quarter Back for the Denver Broncos, named Tim Tebow. He has been sometimes called the "Mile High Messiah". I like the guy. He is Christian and not ashamed of it. He also prays and it not ashamed of that either. I also like that he annoys critics and sports analysts.
Why does he annoy analysts?
Tim Tebow is a man of real integrity, honesty and speaks his mind. He is always attributing his wins to God, always attributing his loses to being Thankful he played a game and yet remains positive about the outcome of the following game.  Should that bother anyone? Why does it bother anyone?
 Is God on the Football Field? Does it hurt anyone for Athletes to pray, speak of God or credit God for winning?
I have been thinking about this, a lot. If Tebow did not Thank God would the Broncos have beat the Jets? Would there be such an out cry of people if Tebow never said anything about his religious affiliation?  Tim Tebow told a Sports Writer that God should be credited to the Denver Broncos. Giving credit to God? Is that offensive? Should I be offended? Is God answering the prayers of Tebow?
 I recall a Holiday Bowl in 1980. Jim McMahon was QB, and I remember that last quarter of the game. That game is forever in the NCAA as the "Miracle Bowl". Let me give you a little back ground. B.Y.U. was losing, badly in the last half of the game. When the last few seconds of the entire game, Southern Methodist University (S.M.U.) made a touchdown. This brought the game to SMU45 and BYU 23. B.Y.U. fans (there were about 50,000 spectators that day, and another million people watching at home) started leaving the Stadium. Jim McMahon started screaming to the Fans to not leave, the game is not over yet. With only 4 seconds left of the game, Jim McMahon forever changed the outcome of that Holiday Bowl. in 4 seconds he lead BYU to victory of 46 to 45. I saw this on TV. I was 10 years old and watching how BYU won, t was amazing. 23 points in 4 seconds... Yes, indeed it was a Miracle. (Something you can not explain but God can). Does God have to do with winning? Does the amount of faith a player has have to do with winning a Holiday Bowl?
What about the losing team? Are they losing because of lack of faith?
 Does God allow others to win and others to lose based on their beliefs? Is it the power of prayer? If Steve Young, who is also a faithful Christian, and Tim Tebow who we all know is a faithful Christian, were to go head to head, would it be the Battle of Faith on the Field? Would is be the Battle of Brawn and Steel? Honestly, Who's to say?
 When a race car driver prays before racing, would we be openly aggressive? When the race car driver wins and he openly Thanks God for a safe race, what would be people's reaction? When a team from Europe wins the FIFA World Cup and an athlete Thanks God, what would be the reaction of those interviewing? Tebow is not the first athlete to believe in God, and credit God in their interviews.  Baseball Players have credited God for winning and even, have said "It wasn't God's Will for us to win tonight". Should we be up in arms when team members mention God? Should we demand they not pray in public?
  What about the prayers of the Athlete? Does God answer prayers to Athlete's who are desirous to win?
I tend to think that Athletes do not pray for winning.  Sometimes I think that they just pray to get through that game with peace. They probably pray to be the best they can be, they pray for the safety of the game and safety of the teams, they pray for no injuries, but I do not think of winning is a goal for prayer. Whatever they pray for, they believe in their hearts and mind that their prayers are what is the key to winning their game, and, I think they should be allowed to believe that Prayer has helped them. There are many High School Teams throughout Utah and other states that Athletes will pray. These are not school conducted, but rather, the coach will give 3 minutes of meditation before a game.  Is there harm in praying? Who does it hurt to pray before a Professional Game? Can the athletes that talk about prayer or credit God for their wins be offensive? How could that offend anyone? Is it wrong to pray before games? Why are people offended that people would pray? Why is it that us who believe in God, have to feel bad for offending people because of prayer? Who really does prayer offend?
See, I very strongly believe that we have begun to be so careful about not offending those that do not believe what we believe that we have started to become ashamed of what we believe outwardly, as a Nation. I am also sure that I will never criticize someone for believing that God helped them win games.
 I think that once we focus on others beliefs and how they pray and how often, we are losing sight of allowing that person to believe according to their conscience and I would even say we are not focusing on the fun of the game.
Maybe certain Athletes have God-given talent and maybe others need more prayers answered from On High. Or maybe it is both.
 Are we going to be that petty to care what an athlete believes?
I say... Let's just all get back to playing ball... and nicely, please.

P.S. I think I might pray that the NBA will just hug it out and play so I can see the Utah Jazz beat the Lakers

Tim Tebow Prays before each game. This is now by the fans affectionately called "Tebowing"
Angelo Taylor Praying right after winning the Gold Metal at the Olympics in Sydney Austrailia

Professional American Football Team Praying... Not Just Tebow

Professional Soccer Team Praying before playing

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