
Monday, December 12, 2011

War and God::: What Does Science have to do with this?

I hear all the time "God is Everywhere" have any of you? 
 I also believe that Math and Science is everywhere too. 
 Well there is a debate on my friend's Facebook page about how ALL Wars are because of Religion. 
 I call that hokum and I do this because this would mean that everyone that goes to war is religious themselves. 
 Now I will agree there are many horrible things that happened all for the namesake of "God" but they were man's doings to other men. 
 Let's say, The Spanish Inquisition is one, for those of you who do not know that this is, I will give you one or two sentences of what happened. The King and Queen of Spain decided that they would allow thousands of people to be burned or tortured then killed. Now, Queen Isabella of Spain did not want to do this, but was pressured by the Catholic Pope, who at the time had much control over things Politically, and Religiously. They spread a rumor that the Jews were responsible for the cause of the Plague. 

 We also know that the Ottomans, upon conquering, forced people to submit to their Religious beliefs. 
 I will still say, Let's remove Religion from the Earth, and pretend that we don't know about a God, etc, etc,etc... 
  Would we still have war? You can count on it. 
You bet we would have war. Men would still have the want to be in power, men would still have the desire spread their clan or would still want to take land for resources. Men also have to fight among each other to show who is dominant. 
 I do not intend to sound like this in a mean way, Sorry men. 
 I am  merely describing how we are natural creatures and we naturally will try to go where there is more money, or resources, jobs, etc etc. war is a way of eliminating populations. I am not pro war. Please do not get me wrong. 
I am speaking of how us as humans will fight among each other is a way to eliminate ones population and gain control and power over that land. 
 I do not believe that many wars were caused by the want of spreading God's word, rather, after war the conquered had to and were forced to practice how the conquerors practiced their laws, religion, they took on Traditions, languages, etc.  
In fact, many people say that all wars are the cause of Religion. I will vehemently refute that hypothesis. 
I will because of this. 
 God, in all religions, or even the thought of a Higher Being, is the opposite of War and greed and hate, and doing things to people that are bad. 
If you speak to someone that is of Islamic upbringing, practicing or not, you will find that in his speaking of God, he will say that God is Merciful, All Muslims should be kind and Generous to others, and killing and hurting humans and animals are not acceptable. 
 Speaking to Christians, you will have an agreement of philosophic ideas about God. 
The Judaic Religions talk of Peace and Doing Good to others that are of different beliefs, 
 And Buddha spoke of how we should not harm any living creature.  
 I could go on and on with examples of how all Religions have this view point. 
  So... Where does this fit? I am saying... Take God out of the equation of War and you will still find greedy, mean, power hungry, blood thirsty people that will still want to go to war.
 I also believe that those that say that "Religion is the cause for war",  are atheists arguing one of the reasons to not believe in God. 

Now, there are many people that say they are religious and then use God in the name of war. This is very dangerous and I would even say very similar to occult type behavior. There is no way that anyone can justify causing great harm to people and doing things that are cruel and then putting God's name behind it like His name is some type of Logo. 
 There are many examples of this type behavior. To this I say it is nonsense that God would approve of cruelty. When terror is inflicted, as a defense, we will have to declare war on others in order to defend our homes, our country, our lands security.

What does this have to do with Science? 
Scientifically speaking, let's look at places that are constantly in heavy droughts for a minute. 
 The places you see in a globe with droughts that are in Third World Countries or under developed countries, have something else in common. War. 
  Africa is one very good example of this. Africa has wonderful resources, actually is rich in resources, very rich land, but the population poor, infested with war, drought, land that is barren caused by hundreds of years of  bad government. 
  Did Religion cause those wars?  What about religious people? That is silly. Of course not. Droughts, poverty, people fighting for more land, people who were and are greedy, caused the wars in Africa. 
Did God cause those wars? No, God has to give us Free Will in order to allow us to make choices we make as humans. (Free Will is a topic I will talk about another day)
 Where is Science in all of this? It is in the psyche of everyone causing war or trying to live in the country they are in without war. 
  Science is in everything... Famine, Rain, Sun, Food, Humans... 
It is up to us to seek the truth and it is what we do with the truth that makes us better people. 
 And hopefully war will not be imminent.

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