
Monday, December 19, 2011

God and Holidays

I never ever push my beliefs on anyone. 
 I always welcome kind and friendly conversations. I like to know what other people are thinking. 
 I want to say that there are many people that do not believe in God. 
 I understand that they have their way of thinking and I think that it is OK to believe that. But, I feel that during the holiday season, If a school wants to put out pictures of a Menorah and a Nativity Scene, we should not have to be sensitive to the wishes of Atheists to do so. 
 As a matter of fact, I know tons of Atheists who LOVE Christmas. 
 Why can't Atheists just lighten up a bit and think... OK so these funny Christians are excited about a Pagan Holiday! 
I actually think it would be really showing a sign of growth and humility on their part, not to mention maybe I would give them some kind of support if they were to do that. 
 I think that Christmas time should be, for Atheists a time that they would be able to capitalize the most if they played their cards right. As a matter of fact, most people go into debt over Christmas. 
 I have a friend whom I love dearly, but I can not believe the amount of money she will spend every year on Christmas. And I think it is really ridiculous! 
 Hey, I am totally Christian but I am against the commercialization of any Holiday! As a matter of fact, I think it is annoying that Stores start decorating for Christmas in October!!! I say, no decorations out before Thanksgiving (American Thanksgiving!) I think if there is one thing my Atheist friends and I do agree on is the fact that too many people buy too much garbage for Christmas. 

  I a sure there is an algorithm equation to Santa and Satan being one and the same, in mathematical formulas, 
But I would like to list the following which my dad presented to us as a family ... Not in front of the kids, they were sent out to play by order of my mom. 
  • Wears Red
  • Has Elves
  • Lives in Terribly Cold Conditions
  • Is the Face of Commercialized Christmas
  • Makes People Greedy
  • Makes kids think about Gift GETTING
  • Puts people in a bad mood when having to shop for Santa things
  • Materialistic
  • Flies using Magic
  • Breaks into peoples homes while they are sleeping

  • IS Red
  • Has Minons
  • Is cold, and has no soul
  • More than happy to make no one celebrate anything
  • The Face of Greed
  • the Face of Selfishness
  • Happily Skips around to people being miserable during the most wonderful time of the year
  • Is Materialistic of it's worst kind
  • Loves that people breaks into people's homes 

So, This Christmas or Holiday Season, whatever you worship, or not, I would like to talk about ways to avoid stress, or ways you will get out of the hum drum life. 

First of all, If you do not believe in God, I say, go with the flow. You do not have to listen to Christmas Carols that are all about Jesus being born. Frank Sinatra has a great Christmas CD with the Rat Pack  that is full of Winter-y Seasonal Holiday Songs and most are not too religious. I think you should try listening to up beat music, and learn to relax about Christmas. 
 Second of all, Never get into debt nor spend any money you do not have for ANY reason. Not just for Christmas. My friend whose name will not be mentioned, I swear it is the one thing that annoys me about her. She will and has spent thousands of dollars on Christmas and gets into huge debts over such a ridiculous holiday. 
Third Thing: 
Learn to get rid of stress. Learn yoga, exercise, take deep breathing, take a long hot bath, and find something enjoyable and good for you. 
Another Thing: Number 4 
Be nice to others and be nice to yourself
Number 5: Have an Anti- holiday party with your friends
Number 6: Do something kind for someone else
Number 7: Learn to let go of what you can not control
Number 8: Have fun. Do something that will bring a smile to your face. Have fun doing it. Make cookies, hot chocolate, make a cake, go to the movies, but do something and have fun doing it. 
Number Nine: Be Happy

I have seen time and time again where people that will do certain things to change their ordinary life and just little things, have made a big difference in not only their life but in others around them. 
 I think it is easy to feel negative and grumpy during the winter time. It is cold, it is boring to have to stay in side all the time, our lives are full of negative energy, and we get caught up in a same routine. Change it a little, learn to smile and learn to be happy. 
this life is too short to wait for others to change and you will see that you will make a difference in other peoples life and your own. 

I don't think you have to believe in a God to find joy in life. 
  Just try getting rid of the Winter Seasonal Grumpiness. 


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